Our team in Italy partners with developers, owners, building code officials, and architects to identify risks, review code requirements, 为您的建筑提供最合适的消防安全设计. 具有基于性能和替代设计解决方案的专业知识, 皇家88娱乐帮助您的租户安全,同时满足美学的挑战, functionality and cost-efficiency.

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Welcome to Jensen Hughes Italy

皇家88娱乐的团队已经建立了一个令人印象深刻的业务,专注于提供高质量的客户服务. In addition to Italian code knowledge, 皇家88娱乐的米兰团队在国际建筑规范(IBC)和国家消防协会(NFPA)标准方面拥有专业知识. 皇家88娱乐的欧洲能源和公用事业服务专长包括风险和危害分析, process safety, and nuclear engineering

Services + Capabilities

With experience in more than 6,000 projects, 意大利的延森休斯是一家领先的消防工程咨询公司,专门研究逃生方式, structural fire engineering, and energy and utility services.

Areas of Expertise

  • Sprinkler Design
  • Structural Fire Engineering
  • On-site Inspections
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Permitting Services
  • Nuclear + Hydrogen Services

Our Regional Leaders

Gaetano Coppola

Managing Director, Italy

Simona Zanotti

Fire Protection Engineer

Paolo Bigatti

Fire Protection Engineer

Zomraude Chantal Chalouhi

Fire Protection Architect

Andrea Ferrari

Fire Protection Engineer

Giovanni Cosma

Fire Protection Engineer

Luciano Nigro

P.E., President


Expertise in Fire Engineering

皇家88娱乐位于米兰的团队在博尔扎诺大学(University of Bolzano)第一个消防工程硕士学位项目的开发中发挥了关键作用.

佛罗伦萨的曼纳图拉塔巴奇建筑群已经重新焕发出活力, sustainable cultural hub. 该项目优先考虑可持续性和可达性,同时符合欧洲标准和安全法规.
延森休斯的专家通过引入新的消防安全措施,重新设计了该建筑的整个消防策略, 如检测和洒水保护系统.

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Exciting Career Opportunities

看看意大利最新的就业机会吧, across our European office locations, or globally with Jensen Hughes.

而韦斯特菲尔德对设计有一个非常清晰的想法, 当地的消防法规与他们的建筑愿景不一致.

European Services

皇家88娱乐在欧洲不断发展和成长. 承诺提供卓越的每一步, 皇家88娱乐的团队在确保不同皇家88娱乐项目的安全性和弹性方面发挥着关键作用, from commercial, government, and hydrogen to tunnels, infrastructure, and more. 了解更多皇家88娱乐的欧洲服务产品如下.